That year we went out for a fancy dinner, but now have ended up making a tradition of staying in on the holiday. Along with this has come the tradition of heart shaped meat (rib-eye that is). It is the perfect combination that makes both me (the lover of all mushy V-Day stuff) and Michael (the lover of meat) happy on Valentine’s Day. I get the meat at Rhett’s Meat Market and it is delicious (and cute). So if the saying is true that the only way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, I think this dinner is just perfect.
I’m thinking about ending the meal with something sweet from Whole Foods…because you have to have chocolate on Valentine’s. It’s a rule. If I get brave I might even try to bake something myself…
I am beyond thankful to be spending Valentine’s with my HUSBAND this year. Someday I know we will end up like this. Love you Michael = )