“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!”
~ Hamilton Wright Mabie
Michael and I couldn't ask for a better first Christmas as a married couple. The holiday was filled with lots of time with our families, food and fun . We decided to celebrate our "first" Christmas the weekend before by making a homemade feast, listening to Christmas music and exchanging gifts. Norma Jean even got a stocking and her very own can of soft dog food (quite the treat).
On Christmas Eve Eve we went down to Ardmore and spent a couple of days visiting family, eating, playing board games, attending a candlelight church service and watching some pretty amazing Dickinson home videos. It was relaxing and great. We then made our way back to Edmond Christmas day where we got to celebrate with my family and stuff ourselves with some more great food. We ended the day by going downtown with my parents to watch the Thunder play their first game of the season. It was a Very Merry Christmas!